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I Blog to Myself 'Cause There is No One to Blog To.


The pace that I was going before everything shut down was detrimental. Present husband and father, full-time job, producing a monthly comedy show (selling tickets, promoting, booking, etc), and still writing and performing standup. Even though I welcomed a break, there was still an effect on me stopping a lifestyle cold turkey. A lifestyle that I'd been living for the last four years. I've performed literally hundreds of times a year, and then... nothing. I have this survival thing, that I consider God-given, where I just keep moving forward. Thing is: I may still be bleeding, may need to nurse some wounds and triage, but I keep it moving. Then, I'll notice some defect. Some new bad habit, some heaviness that seems to come out of nowhere. Thing is, it didn't come out no where. I'm not always acknowledging the weight of the blows I've been taking. You sprinkle in the ridiculousness of America's racism, political landscape, and constant bickering on top OF A WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC---and you got a man who needs to address some things. Maybe that's part of the reason why I'm writing this blog again. Maybe that's why I started knocking over liquor stores, 7-11's, and Payday Loan spots (Wearing a mask, of course. Safety first).

In our work-oriented culture, taking breaks can give us anxiety. Fear that we're missing out, or will miss-out if we're not constantly working ourselves into exhaustion. But, fear of taking a sabbath, is a lack of faith. A lack of trust in God. A lack of trust in the process. Grind hard. Just rest first.

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If you follow my social (@LIONELENT), then you'll see I've been doing my best to create content during this quarantine period. But, one thing that stand up has taught me: "You can't make a joke about something you don't find funny." That may sound like the most basic thing you've ever heard me say, but---hear me out. When drawing from your life to develop material, you cannot make jokes about the things you haven't healed from yet. Or, really, gotten over. If it still stings, it's hard to make a punchline. On the same token, if you try to create material from the raw places, it can help you to heal if you begin to make jokes. Regardless, neither will come before their time. If you write a joke about something you haven't gotten over, nine times outta ten, it probably won't be funny. That's why this period is so tricky. COVID isn't really funny. Racism isn't really funny. But, I must hold on to belief that I am, and it'll get easier to be myself

as I push forward. What have I been doing? Mostly writing. You'll just have to see if any of those writings see the light of day. I hope you're doing well. Sincerely...

Drop a line, let me know you're out there if you are, and God Bless your life.

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@Chucklipscombjr and I were on @Living757_tv Promoting Jokeaday Live! Check out the interview here:

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@Lionelent on the Gram
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